Aware Services Catalog

Core APIs

Account Service API for managing user related data. Using this API user will be able to onboard new users, provision roles to the users,create user groups and query user data.
Device Service API provides access for managing the devices associated with your account.API allows users to create/manage device groups, track, change and monitor devices' state.
Connectivity API provides access to the device subscriber information and subscription activation/deactivation.

Service APIs

Tracker service API to manage the tracker. User can update tracker configutaion and retrieve tracker's data in various ways.
Shipment Service API to create and manage shipments.
Routes Service API to configure routes based on locations/addresses.
Location Service API to save and manage addresses.These saved adresses can be used while creating the shipments
Webhooks Service API to manage webhooks & notification preferences for webhook.Documentation also includes the payload description for telemetry, alert and configuation update.
Assettypes API to manage (save/modify) the device configuration as a template. For example, you may want a Fragile assettype which will have fall detection turned on, or a Frozen assettype with high temp alarms.